

Gerrit Pelzer

I am Gerrit Pelzer, an executive coach, coach supervisor, and adjunct professor of leadership.

At the heart of my work is an understanding of the human being in organisations and how the human brain and mind work. I help leaders be their best “self” more often, using an approach founded in applied neuroscience.

I love coffee, try to keep myself fit, and have the bad habit of buying more books than he can ever read.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.


Martin Aldergård

I’m Martin Aldergård, and I'm curious about how leaders can better help their teams learn and transform together. I’ve been leading corporate transformation- and leadership development projects as a consultant for over 20 years in Asia and Europe. Over the years, I’ve come to understand the importance of putting people at the center of sustainable corporate transformation. I also frequently design and facilitate senior leadership workshops.

Besides work, I love being out-door to hike, ski or do gardening. Occasionally I play traditional Swedish folk tunes on the fiddle.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn